Micro-bildungsroman (Micro-Fiction)

noun | BIL-doonks-roh-mahn
Definition : a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character

Rules of English says a bildungsroman is a complex story that has to unfold over a significant length of time so that the reader can see the gradual character development. If you’re trying to come up with an idea for a two-page micro-story or something like that, a bildungsroman probably isn’t your best bet.

So this might not be a bildungsroman in the real sense but it does present a fictitious scene and psychological transition amongst protagonists leading to, what they call, a Happy Ending.

"My dear,
He was on his knees ostentatiously, holding her hands.

 He was gathering his full strength to say finally those three magical words!

She was very excited. 

But, he blundered...


want to go to the toilet"!

In pink cheeks, pinker than her, the hapless stood up

- and disappeared!

She didn't care of the addlepated crowd murmuring
about what just happened.

She picked out her phone and texted him,

I love you too, dear.
Veraciously yours <3

And guess what,

His video of dancing in happiness, in that public toilet, is still viral =D


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